Home Covid-19
Covid-19 General Guidance for All Workers and Employers
1. Prevent the spread of Covid-19 in workplace
2. Maintain a good hygiene in a workplace
You may be infected if you have any of the following symptoms:
КОВИД-19-ийн халдварын хөнгөн хэлбэрээр өвчилсөн байх магадлалтай.
In this case, you should not be afraid to isolate yourself at home for 10 days, drink as much liquid and warmth as possible, eat high-calorie food and get a good night's sleep. Do light exercise.
If necessary, treat symptoms such as fever reduction and analgesia. Also take 4,000-5,000 mg of vitamin D once a day and 1,000 mg of vitamin C once a day for 14 days..
In some cases, if you have symptoms of diarrhea or vomiting, seek medical attention immediately and call 119 for help..
Even if you have received the full dose of the vaccine, be sure to follow your infection control regimen for your baby and pregnant mother!