Required materials
- Official request letter by inviting individual and legal entity (Must include organization`s type of activity, duration and purpose of stay, reason to change the residency category)
- Required documents for the change of residency category
- Must apply in person
Application must be submitted 5 days before the residency permit expire
The following principles shall be followed in changing the category of residency permit
- Religiuos purpose residency permit cannot be changed to different category
- Employment residency permit can only be changed to investment residency permit
- A child under the age of 18 who lives with his or her parents and is in direct care shall be transferred to a form of residence appropriate to his or her status when he or she reaches the age of majority.
- A child under the age of 18 who lives with his/her parents shall be transferred to the same residence category as parents when he/she turns 18 years old
Processing time:
Standart - 5 working days
Expedite - 3 working days
Standart - 72.000₮
Expedite -144.000₮
Residency card fee:
Transaction amount : 1 person 7$
Issuing authority
Immigration Agency of Mongolia